When I started Stories for Earth, I had a hard time finding likeminded people. But after working on this project for a while, I’ve met some incredible people doing important work to draw more attention to cli-fi and eco fiction. In the spirit of signal-boosting people whose work I admire and in growing the community of climate readers, here are some other outlets you might check out if you’re looking for projects similar to Stories for Earth.

A website devoted to uncovering and sharing “โฆmeaningful stories about our natural world and humanity’s connection with it,” Dragonfly.eco was started by Mary Woodbury, who also writes fiction under the pen name Clara Hume. Mary has been writing about eco fiction since before it was cool, and her website is a treasure trove of book reviews, author interviews, and more.

Ecofictology with Lovis Geier
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRrV-N233NVrzjz8UIWDcUA
Scottish scientist and avid reader Lovis Geier runs a YouTube channel called Ecofictology with Lovis Geier. Every week, Lovis shares a new video review of an eco fiction or cli-fi book she read recently, and her taste is impeccable. Sometimes Lovis and I collaborate on episodes, so keep an eye out for our “therapy” sessions on particularly challenging reads.

Ekostories is a website featuring essays and stories by Isaac Yuen, a nature writer whose work has appeared in Orion, Entropy, Tin House online, and The Willowherb Review. Isaac is a fantastic writer, and I particularly enjoy his pieces exploring and illuminating the environmental themes in the work of Hayao Miyazaki, Italo Calvino, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Shigeru Miyamoto.

The Climate Reader
The Climate Reader is a climate change reading journal and personal blog from Jelka (pronounced “Yel-kah”), a Berliner and climate fiction enthusiast. Jelka writes reviews of climate-themed books she reads, and she also posts about her reading journey on Instagram at @theclimatereader.