Interview: C.C. Berke, Author of “Man, Kind”

C.C. Berke is the award-winning author of Man, Kind in addition to multiple short stories. In this interview, we discuss his debut novel.

A graphic with the book cover for Man, Kind next to a photo of the author, C.C. Berke.

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I don’t always gravitate towards stories like Man, Kind, the debut novel from author C.C. Berke that I recently finished reading. But I really liked this book. As other readers have noted, it reminded me of The Road by Cormac McCarthy and Mad Max: Fury Road, but it wasn’t all non-stop action. You’ll also find a lot of tenderness, themes of ecofeminism, and yes, some solid and alarming information about the ways our actions impact the environment.

For this reason, it’s no surprise to me that Man, Kind recently won the Literary Titan Gold Book Award. Chris (C.C. Berke) is a burgeoning talent, and I had a great time talking with him about his novel. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did.

“Man, Kind” by C.C. Berke

The official book cover for "Man, Kind" by C.C. Berke.

About the author

A headshot of author C.C. Berke.

Christopher C. Berke has spent most of his life in South Dakota, but has a deep fondness for traveling, especially to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. When he’s not reading or writing, he enjoys spending time with his supportive wife, Abby, and his two cats, Henry and Winston.

Man, Kind is his debut novel.


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